In 1988 the Vatican Observatory published a watershed volume on theology, philosophy and science resulting from an international research conference held in Rome: Physics, Philosophy and Theology: A Quest for Common Understanding. This volume included a unique address by Pope John Paul II on theology and science. Based on this volume the Vatican Observatory and CTNS began a twenty year collaboration of further research. The collaboration has produced seven scholarly volumes to date.

These volumes include:

  • The five-volume series whose underlying theme is "Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action." These volumes include, Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature; Chaos and Complexity; Evolutionary and Molecular Biology; Neuroscience and the Person and Quantum Mechanics.
  • The "Capstone" to the five volume series: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action: Twenty Years of Challenge and Progress, and
  • A volume based on the problem of evil in nature: Physics and Cosmology: Scientific Perspectives on the Probelm of Evil

For chapter summaries of the Divine Action Series, please choose the link at the right.