Theology and Science
Begun in 2003, Theology and Science draws its academic strength from the background of over thirty years of CTNS development, the expertise of hundreds of scientists and theologians from around the world who have participated in CTNS research programs, as well as a cadre of more than 40 editors on the Editorial Advisory Board. From physics and cosmology to evolutionary biology, genetics, neuroscience and the environmental sciences, Theology and Science engages scientific discourse in dialogue with both Christian and multi-religious perspectives. With these affiliations, the journal provides a critical and comprehensive collection of articles and reviews that promote the creative mutual interaction between the natural sciences and theology. CTNS members receive both the printed and on-line versions of this outstanding journal. Theology and Science is hosted at Taylor and Francis Online.
For editorial aims, instructions for authors, and editorial board information please see below. For the Table of Contents and access to the Current Issue, please see Publications/Theology and Science.
Editorial Policy
Theology and Science is the scholarly journal of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and is published by Routledge. The primary editorial goal of Theology and Science is to publish critically reviewed articles that promote the creative mutual interaction between the natural sciences and theology. While the journal assumes the integrity of each domain, its primary aim is to explore this interaction in terms of the implications of the natural sciences for constructive research in philosophical and systematic theology, the philosophical and theological elements within and underlying theoretical research in the natural sciences, and the relations and interactions between theological and scientific methodologies. The secondary editorial goal is to monitor and critically assess debates and controversies arising in the broader field of science and religion. Thus, Theology and Science investigates, analyzes, and reports on issues as they arise with the intention of prompting further academic discussion of them.
The central scientific focus of Theology and Science is on developments in physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. With regard to the theological task, Theology and Science engages in both Christian and multi-religious reflection. The Christian theological agenda focuses on the various doctrinal loci of systematic theology. The multi-religious agenda attends primarily to theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and religious traditions such as , Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, native spiritualities, and Taoism. This approach reflects the editors' assumption that theology, as intellectual reflection upon one's religious tradition, should begin by expressing the fundamental commitments and worldview of a specific religious understanding, and that dialogue with science can best be pursued when such a religious understanding is given self-critical expression.
Attention is also given to research into the historical relationship between science and religion, along with research into the broader relationship between the philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion. Research in the social sciences and in the humanities is invited to complement these primary foci when it offers needed connections between scientific theories and theology. This may also involve the resources of such disciplines as anthropology, cultural studies, historical theology, and metaphysics.
This editorial policy is formulated with the guiding confidence that a serious dialogue between science and theology will lead to a variety of new and progressive research programs, and that these in turn will yield new insights, deeper understanding, and new knowledge at the frontiers of science and religion.
Theology and Science Instructions for Authors and Book Reviewers
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Documentation. Where abbreviation is appropriate, use the standard abbreviations for books of the Bible and other ancient documents. If these are not available to you, write out full titles and the editors will abbreviate. Please do not abbreviate titles of journals or books in your text or notes; rather, provide full titles.
Notes should be placed at the end of the article.
Endnotes. Theology and Science follows Turabian or Chicago Manual of Style. It is not necessary to include words such as “Press” or “Publishing Company.” Please italicize book titles rather than underlining. Here are some samples:
Hans Conzelmannn, Jesus, trans. J. Raymond Lord (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1973), 36-50.
Duane A. Priebe, “Theology and Hermeneutics,” Studies in Lutheran Hermeneutics, ed. John Reumann (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979), 297-301.
Malcolm Jeeves, “Human Natures: An Integrated Picture,” in What About the Soul?: Neuroscience and Christian Anthropology, ed. Joel B. Green (Nashville: Abingdon, 2004), 171-189.
Niels Henrik Gregersen, “Theology in a Neo-Darwinian World,” Studia Theologica 48:2 (1994): 125-149.
Ethan J. Temeles, Irvin L. Pan, Jillian L. Brennan, and Jedediah N. Horwitt, “Evidence for Ecological Causation of Sexual Dimorphism in a Hummingbird,” Science, Vol. 289, No. 5478 (July 2000): 441-443.
For subsequent notes after first entry use—as appropriate—one of the following:
Ibid., 38. (Do not underscore the word Ibid.)
Priebe, “Theology and Hermeneutics,” 299. (shortened title)
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Abstract: This document contains the information that Theology and Science contributors will need in order to prepare their articles in such a way as to minimize distress for the Managing Editor.
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Peer Review Process: Once submitting to Manuscript Central, if your paper meets our submission guidelines and is appropriate for our journal, the paper will be submitted to double blind peer review. The peer review process will suggest publication, revisions, or rejection. If the needed revisions are major, the revised paper will be submitted to another round of peer review upon resubmission. In the event of the two peer reviewers widely diverging in their evaluation, a third peer reviewer will adjudicate between the original two, and the judgement of the third reviewer will stand. If your paper is declined by 8 potential peer reviewers with no agreements to review, it will be returned to you for submission elsewhere. After acceptance for publication, your paper will be queued usually for the next available issue.
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If you have any questions, please contact:
Alan Weissenbacher, Ph.D.
Managing Editor / Book Review Editor
Theology and Science
2400 Ridge Road
Berkeley, CA 94709
Editorial Staff
Ted Peters (Founding Co-Editor), Professor of Systematic Theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), Berkeley, CA, USA
Robert John Russell (Founding Co-Editor), Ian G. Barbour Professor of Theology and Science at the GTU, and Founder and Director of CTNS, Berkeley, CA, USA
Alan Weissenbacher (Managing Editor), Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, USA
Donghwi Kim (Book Review Editor), Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, USA
Editorial Advisory Board for Theology and Science
Christian Berg, Environmental Ethics, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Joseph Bracken, S. J., Theology (emeritus), Xavier University, USA
John H. Brooke, History of Science, Oxford University, UK
Warren Brown, Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
Frank Budenholzer, Chemistry, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Philip Clayton, Philosophy, Claremont Graduate School, USA
Terrence Deacon, Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Celia Deane-Drummond, Theology, University of Notre Dame, USA
Lindon Eaves, Genetics, University of Virginia Medical School, USA
George Ellis, Cosmology, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Carl Feit, Biology, Yeshiva University, USA
Owen Gingerich, Astronomy, Harvard University, USA
Niels Gregersen, Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
John Haught, Systematic Theology, Georgetown University, USA
Philip Hefner, Systematic Theology (emeritus), Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA
Noreen Herzfeld, Computer Science, St. John's University, USA
Marty Hewlett, Molecular and Cellular Biology (emeritus), University of Arizona, USA
Nancy Howell, Theology, Saint Paul School of Theology, USA
Antje Jackelén, Systematic Theology, Lutheran Archbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
Malcolm Jeeves, Neuroscience, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Karen Lebacqz, Bioethics (emeritus), Pacific School of Religion, USA
Shoaib Ahmed Malik, Islam and Science, St. Mary's University, UK
Sallie McFague, Theology, Vancouver School of Theology, Canada
George Murphy, Physics and Theology, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, USA
Nancey Murphy, Philosophical Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
Richard Payne, Buddhology, Graduate Theological Union, USA
Ann Pederson, Theology, Augustana College, USA
Greg Peterson, Philosophy and Religion, South Dakota State University, USA
V. V. Raman, Physics, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
W. Mark Richardson, President, Church Divinity School of the Pacific, USA
Holmes Rolston III, Philosophy, Colorado State University, USA
Rosemary Radford Ruether, Systematic Theology (emeritus), Pacific School of Religion, USA
Michael Ruse, Philosophy of Biology, Florida State University, USA
Jeffrey Schloss, Biology, Westmont College, USA
Michael Spezio, Neuroscience, California Institute of Technology, USA
James C. Ungureanu, Religious Studies and Philosophy, Stony Brook School, USA
Howard J. Van Till, Physics (emeritus), Calvin College, USA
Fraser Watts, Psychology and Theology, Cambridge University, UK
Kirk Wegter-McNelly, Systematic Theology, Union College, USA
Wesley J. Wildman, Mathematics and Theology, Boston University, USA