Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 7pm
J. K. Russell Fellowship Forum, Genetic Futures and our Search for Wisdom, with Dr. Celia Deane-Drummond
Lecture and Discussion
Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion
1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, CA
This lecture begins with an overview of the meteoric rise in genetic science over the last half century. The potential impact on all life forms—from microbes to humans--is enormous. The medical applications of genetic science sit uneasily in the shadow of eugenic practices of the last century. Geneticists are more modest today about the evolutionary potential of genetics in the human species. Yet genetics continues to fascinate or horrify. New controversial developments, including, for example, cloning and associated stem cell research has heightened both public discussion and controversy about genetic techniques. What are the ethical issues raised by such developments? How can we make decisions where such decision-making is fraught with controversy?