Theology and Science Instructions for Authors and Book Reviewers

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Theology & Science!

Please follow these simple procedures to ensure that we receive your submission in a standard format that is easy to edit and process. The editors of Theology and Science reserve the right to make final decisions regarding papers submitted for possible publication.

All submissions should be made online at the Theology and Science Manuscript Central site. New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site submissions should be made via the Author Center.

Article Format. Authors should prepare and upload two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, while in the second all document information identifying the author should be removed from files to allow them to be sent anonymously to referees. When uploading files authors will then be able to define the non-anonymous version as “File not for review”.

HeadingsTheology and Science uses only two layers of headings. First-level headings should appear in bold, justified with the left margin, with two spaces above the heading and one space below. Second-level headings should appear in normal print, justified with the left margin, with one space above and one space below the heading.

Documentation. Where abbreviation is appropriate, use the standard abbreviations for books of the Bible and other ancient documents. If these are not available to you, write out full titles and the editors will abbreviate. Please do not abbreviate titles of journals or books in your text or notes; rather, provide full titles.

Notes should be placed at the end of the article.

Endnotes. Theology and Science follows Turabian or Chicago Manual of Style. It is not necessary to include words such as “Press” or “Publishing Company.” Please italicize book titles rather than underlining. Here are some samples:

Hans Conzelmannn, Jesus, trans. J. Raymond Lord (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1973), 36-50.

Duane A. Priebe, “Theology and Hermeneutics,” Studies in Lutheran Hermeneutics, ed. John Reumann (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979), 297-301.

Malcolm Jeeves, “Human Natures: An Integrated Picture,” in What About the Soul?: Neuroscience and Christian Anthropology, ed. Joel B. Green (Nashville: Abingdon, 2004), 171-189.

Niels Henrik Gregersen, “Theology in a Neo-Darwinian World,” Studia Theologica 48:2 (1994): 125-149.

Ethan J. Temeles, Irvin L. Pan, Jillian L. Brennan, and Jedediah N. Horwitt, “Evidence for Ecological Causation of Sexual Dimorphism in a Hummingbird,” Science, Vol. 289, No. 5478 (July 2000): 441-443.

For subsequent notes after first entry use—as appropriate—one of the following:

Ibid., 38. (Do not underscore the word Ibid.)

Priebe, “Theology and Hermeneutics,” 299. (shortened title)

Abstract and Key Words. Due to the growing number of people using on-line versions of journals, and due to the growing amount of articles available on-line, we ask that you write a 100 word Abstract for your article. Likewise, we ask that you supply between 5 and 7 key words by which would-be interested readers can find your article by performing a web search. The abstract and then key words should appear before your article.

For Example:

Abstract: This document contains the information that Theology and Science contributors will need in order to prepare their articles in such a way as to minimize distress for the Managing Editor.

Key words: Author instructions; Length; Transliterations; Footnotes; Copyright; Formatting

Transliterations must be used for Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. Include accents only where absolutely necessary. Conform Greek and Hebrew transliterations to the style used in the Chicago Manual of Style. For Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, please use the format found in the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. When any foreign language is used, provide English translation set within parentheses after the foreign word or clause, except for commonly known words. Italicize all foreign words or phrases.

Illustrations: We welcome figures sent electronically, but care and attention to these guidelines are essential as importing graphics packages can often be problematic.

Figures must be saved individually and separate to text. Please do not embed figures in the paper file.

Avoid the use of colour and tints for purely aesthetic reasons.

Figures should be produced as near to the finished size as possible.

All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the paper (e.g. figure 1, figure 2). In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled (e.g. figure 1(a), figure 1(b)).

Figure captions must be saved separately, as part of the file containing the complete text of the paper, and numbered correspondingly.

The filename for the graphic should be descriptive of the graphic, e.g. Figure1, Figure2a.

Files should be saved as one of the following formats: TIFF (tagged image file format), PostScript or EPS (encapsulated PostScript), and should contain all the necessary font information and the source file of the application (e.g. CorelDraw/Mac, CorelDraw/PC).

Please note that it is in the author's interest to provide the highest quality figure format possible. Please do not hesitate to contact the Taylor and Francis Production Department if you have any queries.

Thematic and other major articles are limited to approximately 5,000-8,000 words.

Book reviews are limited to a maximum of 1,000 words. Please include the following in the title of the review: book title, author, publisher, year, and page count. Please include the following in the title of the review: book title, author, publisher, year, and page count. Please submit these under the Book Review Category on the Manuscript Central site.

Free article access: Corresponding authors can receive 50 free reprints, free online access to their article through Informa World and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Complimentary reprints are available through Rightslink® and additional reprints can be ordered through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at

Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the Graduate Theological Union (Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences). This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain many rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies, which can be found at Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.


If you have any general questions regarding the journal, please contact:


For Book review inquiry:


Alan Weissenbacher, Ph.D.
Managing Editor / Book Review Editor
Theology and Science
2400 Ridge Road
Berkeley, CA 94709