Robert J. Russell
Robert J. Russell is Founder and Director of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS), and the Ian G. Barbour Professor of Theology and Science in Residence at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. He is a leading researcher and spokesperson for the growing international body of theologians and scientists committed to a positive dialogue and creative mutual interaction between these fields. He is the author of Time in Eternity: Pannenberg, Physics and Eschatology in Creative Mutual Interaction (University of Notre Dame, 2012); Cosmology from Alpha to Omega: The Creative Mutual Interaction of Theology and Science (Fortress, 2009) and Cosmology, Evolution, and Resurrection Hope: Theology and Science in Creative Mutual Interaction (Pandora, 2006). He has co-edited a six volume CTNS/Vatican Observatory series on scientific perspectives on divine action and the first volume in a new series on the problem of natural evil. He is a founding co-editor of the scholarly journal Theology and Science and an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Santa Cruz (1978), and an M.A. in Theology and an M. Div. from Pacific School of Religion (1972). His spouse, Charlotte, is an associate minister at First Congregational Church, Berkeley.