Saturday, December 8, 2007, 1-5pm
CTNS/GTU Conference and Celebration; Assessing the Work of Robert John Russell: "God’s Action in Nature’s World: Creative Mutual Interaction from Alpha to Omega" and Celebrating the public Campaign for the Ian G. Barbour Chair in Theology and Science.
Graduate Theological Union, Richard S. Dinner Board Room, GTU Library
For more than twenty-five years, Robert John Russell has been engaged in research and teaching focused on the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences. To celebrate the forthcoming publication of his new book, Cosmology—from Alpha to Omega: the Creative Mutual Interaction of Theology and Science (Selected Essays 1982-2007) (Fortress Press), and to celebrate the public phase of the campaign to fund the Ian G. Barbour Chair in Theology and Science, this special event will assess Russell’s contributions in the areas of methodology in theology and science, divine action, creation and Big Bang / inflationary cosmology, natural evil, eschatology and the future of the universe, and cosmology. Speakers also will discuss the recent Festschrift in Russell’s honor, God’s Action in Nature’s World, edited by Ted Peters and Nathan Hallanger.
Speakers are Ian G. Barbour, Winifred and Atherton Bean Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and Society, Carleton College, Nancey Murphy, Fuller Theological Seminary, William Stoeger, SJ, Vatican Observatory, Nancy Wiens, Ph.D. (GTU, 2007) and Spiritual Director, Michael Dodds, Dominican School of Philosophical Theology, Ted Peters, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union and Robert John Russell, Professor of Theology and Science in-Residence at the GTU and Founder and Director of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.